Every Morning

01.11.23 09:23 AM
Lamentations 3:21-23 - “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” So, did you see the sunrise this morning? If you’re like me, I’m not a morning person. However, I do enjoy a good sunrise. Whenever I make a trip down south to a beach I always try to get up at least one morning to see the sunrise over the ocean. It’s always amazing to me. But you know one thing I’ve never done when waiting for the sun to come up?  I’ve never stood there in the early morning dark thinking, “Man, I sure hope the sun comes up today. I’m actually starting to worry that it won’t!” Nope. Never thought that even once. I’ll bet you never have either. And that’s the point of today’s verse. God’s faithfulness is as sure and certain as the sunrise. Just like we don’t have to sweat over whether the sun will come up tomorrow, we don’t have to worry about the reality of God’s faithfulness either. Every morning His “compassions” are there to greet you. The Hebrew word translated “compassions” is also used to mean “womb”. The picture here is the protective and nurtured care of an infant in his mother’s womb. That is what’s waiting for you every morning - God’s intentional and intimate care. In a world that is broken and far from what it should be, that constant truth helps us to start our days on the right foot with the right perspective. God’s faithfulness is sure, certain, and thorough. You can count on it just like you can count on the sun to rise. And when the day does come when the sun rises no more, we will be together before the One Who created it. What a day that will be! Until then, take heart, for tomorrow there will be new compassions for you. God is faithful!
