What to Wear

We love kids! We want them to be a part of our gathering as well as to have their own teaching time specific to their age. So, all of the kids join us for the first half of our service (the music and conversation) and then they are dismissed (ages K - 4th grade) to their very own awesome program where they will get to experience the stories of the Bible in a way they’ll both understand and enjoy.

Service Format
Each week we gather for the purpose of connecting with God and with one another. Regardless of where you are in life or the kind of week you’ve had, we come together to refocus on God and what He has to say in His Word. He is the Author of life and tells us the truth we need. We also spend time encouraging one another. Life can be hard. We need to know that we are not in it alone. So, through live music, conversation, and teaching from the Bible we seek to be people who are passionately loving and following Jesus and helping others to do the same. Nothing complicated - just real - because we all need Jesus!


We have convenient parking spots located up front for you, as well as individuals to answer any questions you might have.
If the lot is full, then there is plenty of safe legal parking on the streets of the local neighborhood.