Joshua 23:14 - “You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.” There are over 7,000 promises in the Bible. And while some of those are given to specific people for a specific situation, the vast majority of promises are for believers like you and me. But here is what can happen. We get a promise from God in His Word and then we paint a picture in our minds of what the fulfillment of that promise in our lives will look like. We can clearly see it. “This is how this is going to work out - God promised”, we tell ourselves. But what if it doesn’t happen the way we think it should? God didn’t paint the picture we were expecting. What then? Satan, of course, wants us to believe that either God got it wrong and that His Word isn’t trustworthy, or that God really doesn’t speak to us after all. Either way, he wins if we believe his lies. What we need to do is go back to the promise in God’s Word, to choose to believe it no matter what, and then to let God fulfill it the way that He wants. He is the perfect promise Giver and the perfect promise Keeper. And because He knows you best and loves you most He knows exactly how to make good on His Word in a way best-suited for your wholeness and your flourishing. So hand the “brush” over to God and let Him paint the picture. Let Him paint the fulfillment of that promise in your life. And if you doubt His ability to paint something beautiful, just look at the next dazzling sunset or the splash of brilliant color of a fall day or the heart-warming smile on the face of the one you love. He “painted” all of those. He is the greatest Painter. You can trust Him with your brush.
Hand God The Brush
14.11.23 10:02 PM