Psalm 19:7 - “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.” Whenever we get information from a source we are not familiar with or unsure about, what do we do? We evaluate it. We check the source. We match it up against information from a source that we know and trust. But, when we hear something from the voice inside us, it's a voice we are familiar with because it is our own and so we give it a pass. And therein lies the problem. Our thoughts - the “voice” in our head - is not always a reliable source of truth. Ever notice that when you are tempted with a thought to believe wrong or do wrong, that thought is always in your own voice? That is how Satan loves to work - how he tries to get by our defenses. We can end up repeating to ourselves the lies he puts in our head. This is where our use of the Bible as a measuring stick and faithful filter is so critical. Without God’s truth we are left to ourselves and our best guesses. Today’s Scripture gives us both a solid place to stand in the raging waters of culture and a life-giving resource to tell us what is true and real. God’s Word is “perfect” - it's complete and without defect. It’s “trustworthy” - you can count on it no matter what. So when we hear the voice in our head telling us something, we need to match it up against what God says in His Word. Otherwise, we can be swayed and seduced into believing something wrong which leads to living something wrong. God has blessed us with His Word, which always tells us what is true and what is “right” (Psalm 19:8). It is "sure". So let's listen to His voice, do what He says, and live.