John 11:32 - “When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, ‘Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.’” Can you feel the raw emotion in her words? “Lord, if you had been here. . . “ She was counting on Jesus to show up and save the day. She knew He could. . . but He didn’t. Now, in her mind and from her perspective, it was too late. Ever been there? Ever had your own heart-breaking, “Lord, if you had been here” moment? I sure have. And those moments are brutal. They are laced with hard emotions and brimming with disappointment. You know that if Jesus had shown up in answer to your prayer things would be different - they would be alright. But He didn’t - and they aren’t. He didn’t show up how and when and where you wanted. And if we are not careful that deep disappointment can be used by Satan to dismantle our faith. So what do we do? We do what Mary did. She took all of her hurt and questions and sorrow straight to Jesus. She didn’t pretend. She told Jesus exactly what was on her heart. Here’s the thing - Jesus isn’t afraid or surprised by our hard emotions. After all He created them. But He doesn’t want them to derail our trust in Him. So He invites us to come to Him and pour it all out (Psalm 2:8). And then to remember that none of our impossible-looking circumstances affect His ability to work in and through them. Mary believed that Jesus could heal her brother, but that His power could only go that far. She believed there was a limit to what Jesus could do. She was wrong and was about to find out that His power and authority were so much greater than she imagined! That truth is still true today. Jesus never asks us to understand His ways. He simply asks us to believe Him (John 11:25-26). His wisdom is perfect. His power is absolute. His love for you is unstoppable. And there is no limit to what He can do - anywhere - anytime. So, just like Mary, go to Him. Her story wasn’t over. And neither is your’s.