Proverbs 20:17 - “He who walks with the wise grows wise; but a companion of fools suffers harm.” The company you keep matters. Who you choose to hang out with impacts how you think, how you behave, and who you become. Today’s Scripture guarantees that in both cases - either with the “wise” or with the “fools”. I want to take and apply this promise in a way in which we might not readily do so. I want us to apply this truth to our spending time with Jesus. When we choose to take time reading and studying the Bible, then praying about what we discovered there, and then obeying what it instructs, we are spending meaningful time with our Savior and Friend. We are, in the best sense of the word, “walking with the wise”. And this guarantees that by doing so we ourselves will become “wise”. This, of course, makes perfect sense. If we hang out with the One Who is “the truth, the life, and the way”, then we will know what is true, know what brings life, and know the ways that we should take. But something else powerful will happen. Our enemy’s ability to lure and to lie and to deceive us effectively will be critically wounded and exposed. And instead of our giving glory to the devil (which is what happens every time we sin) we will be giving glory to God by loving and living for Him. No wonder Satan tries so hard each day to keep us away from spending time with Jesus in His Word. I mean, ever notice that there seems to be no resistance whenever we pick up our phones and start scrolling, but there is almost always a fight to pick up our Bibles and start reading? Not a surprise. Satan wants us to be a “companion of fools”. God, however, wants something so much greater for us - to be “wise”. And we can. So today make a choice to “walk with the wise” - to walk in step next to the Lover of your soul. It’s always a walk worth taking.